Deployment via Terraform

In cases that deploying via Terraform is preferred follow this guide

The following should be added to your environment alongside any other standard configuration you deploy via Terraform.


Two Host/Backend variables need to be added to the fastly_service_vcl resource:

  # Netacea backends 
  backend {
    name = "MitSvc"
    address = ""
    use_ssl = true
    override_host = ""
    ssl_cert_hostname = ""
    ssl_sni_hostname = ""
    port = "443"
    request_condition = "Netacea Forward Request"

  backend {
    name = "CaptchaAssets"
    address = ""
    use_ssl = true
    override_host = ""
    ssl_cert_hostname = ""
    ssl_sni_hostname = ""
    port = "443"
    request_condition = "Netacea Forward Request"

  # Prevent Netacea backends from being selected as default
  condition {
    name = "Netacea Forward Request"
    statement = "false"
    type = "REQUEST"


A dictionary needs to be added to the fastly_service_vcl resource:

 # Defines the Netacea dictionary
 dictionary {
    name = "netacea_edge_config"

To populate the variables within the dictionary, use the fastly_service_dictionary resource:

If you have not discussed advanced configuration with Netacea no variables need to be defined.

# Define the config values
  items = {
    api_key: var.netacea_api_key
    secret_key: var.netacea_secret_key
    encryption_key: var.netacea_encryption_key
    integration_mode: "MITIGATE"
    cookie_name: "cookieName"
    captcha_cookie_name: "cCookieName"

  # Find the netacea_edge_config dictionary
  for_each = {
    for d in fastly_service_vcl.example.dictionary : => d if == "netacea_edge_config"

  # Link config values to the netacea_edge_config dictionary
  service_id =
  dictionary_id = each.value.dictionary_id

  # Declare that dictionary values must be managed by Terraform.
  # Changes to this dictionary applied in any other way will be overwritten.
  manage_items = true

For more information on the fastly_service_dictionary resource, see Fastly Provider docs

You will also need to ensure the following variables are defined within your environment:

variable "netacea_api_key" {
  description = "Defines which Netacea Datastream is called"
  type = string
  sensitive = true

variable "netacea_secret_key" {
  description = "Netacea Datastream Secret"
  type = string
  sensitive = true

variable "netacea_encryption_key" {
  description = "Encrypts Netacea cookie"
  type = string
  sensitive = true

The variables will need to be populated with the values found on your associated Netacea Datastream. See here for more information on setting values.

VCL Snippets

Netacea will provide 5 VCL snippets separately, the files should be added to the relevant directory which stores your VCL snippets.

You will also need to reference these in the fastly_service_vcl resource:

snippet {
    name     = "netacea_integration_init"
    type     = "init"
    content  = file("./netacea/netacea_init.vcl")
    priority = 45

  snippet {
    name     = "netacea_integration_recv"
    type     = "recv"
    content  = file("./netacea/netacea_recv.vcl")
    priority = 45

  snippet {
    name     = "netacea_integration_recv_configure"
    type     = "recv"
    content  = file("./netacea/netacea_recv_configure.vcl")
    priority = 46

  snippet {
    name     = "netacea_integration_error"
    type     = "error"
    content  = file("./netacea/netacea_error.vcl")
    priority = 45

  snippet {
    name     = "netacea_integration_deliver"
    type     = "deliver"
    content  = file("./netacea/netacea_deliver.vcl")
    priority = 45

Update each of the content field with the directory the Netacea VCLs have been stored in.


You are now able to deploy the Netacea integration.

For more information on the fastly_service_vcl resource see Fastly provider docs.

Last updated